Compliant locally
romanian e-invoicing
system e-factura
According to the Romanian law, an electronic invoice is “the invoice that has been issued, transmitted, and received in a structured electronic format that allows automatic, digital processing”. The Romanian electronic invoicing system that runs the process is called e-Factura. We take care of the implementation of the e-invoicing solution for you, with no disruption to your business.
What do we know so far?
- Starting from 2024, January 1st , the RO e-Invoice system becomes mandatory at the national level for transactions between companies with a Romanian fiscal code, the Romanian Government issuing a draft law that is in the public consultation phase, and the application rules will also be published.
- This system has been operational in Romania since November 11, 2021, being optional in the first phase and targeting only the relationship between companies and the state (B2G).
- The service has been extended since 2022, July 1st, to cover the relationship between companies (B2B) that sell products with high fiscal risk, but also for companies that accept holiday vouchers.
- With an average of 60,000 invoices sent daily and a 100% success rate, DocProcess automates the invoicing process to and from the e-Invoice system as of 2022, July 1st. It manages these processes with automated queries, thus guaranteeing that every financial transaction is processed correctly and in accordance with current tax requirements.
- The DocProcess platform ensures both the retrieval of sent invoices from your system, their transmission to RO e-Invoice after performing all legal checks, and their retrieval and then signed by ANAF.
- The platform also collects the invoices received electronically from your suppliers in your own SPV, in a completely secure way and in accordance with the standards in force. You have permanent access, from anywhere, without the need to install additional software.
You can get more information by contacting our sales team

What is the purpose of e-Factura?

Increasing the level of tax and duties collection, especially VAT

Enabling a bureaucracy-free, paperless administration

Providing an electronic public service to enable digital B2G and B2B transactions

Enabling savings of about 350 Million EUR over a 10-year horizon
What does it mean for your company?
E-Invoice sending and receiving
Compliance and traceability
E-invoicing helps you reduce the risk of financial penalties and other sanctions associated with non-compliance with regulations. You can achieve tax compliance through automated tax code handling and advanced tax calculations.
Increased speed of transactions
Real-time visibility and audit
Comprehensive audit trails include original invoice image to provide control over the entire process. You get real-time view of your cashflow, enabling its optimization.
No errors or missing invoices
Our advanced matching platform supports not just 2-way and 3-way matching, but also n-way matching between as many documents and types of documents as needed.